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Source code for attest

# coding:utf-8
from __future__ import with_statement

import threading
import sys
import traceback
from functools import wraps
import inspect
from contextlib import contextmanager, nested
from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points

    from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
except ImportError:
    ABCMeta = type
    abstractmethod = lambda x: x

    from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from StringIO import StringIO

statistics = threading.local()
statistics.assertions = 0

[docs]class TestResult(object): """Container for result data from running a test. .. versionadded:: 0.4 """ #: The test callable. test = None #: The exception instance, if the test failed. error = None #: The :func:`~sys.exc_info` of the exception, if the test failed. exc_info = None #: A list of lines the test printed on the standard output. stdout = None #: A list of lines the test printed on the standard error. stderr = None @property
[docs] def test_name(self): """A representative name for the test, similar to its import path. """ parts = [] if self.test.__module__ != '__main__': parts.append(self.test.__module__) if hasattr(self.test, 'im_class'): parts.append(self.test.im_class.__name__) parts.append(self.test.__name__) return '.'.join(parts)
[docs] def traceback(self): """The traceback for the exception, if the test failed, cleaned up. """ lines = traceback.format_exception(*self.exc_info) lines = ''.join(lines).splitlines() clean = lines[:1] stack = iter(lines[1:-1]) # stack traces are in the middle # loop two lines at a time for first, second in zip(stack, stack): # only keep if this file is not the source of the trace if __file__[:-1] not in first: clean.extend((first, second)) clean.append(lines[-1]) return '\n'.join(clean)
[docs]class AbstractReporter(object): """Optional base for reporters, serves as documentation and improves errors for incomplete reporters. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @abstractmethod
[docs] def begin(self, tests): """Called when a test run has begun. :param tests: The list of test functions we will be running. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def success(self, result): """Called when a test succeeds. :param result: Result data for the succeeding test. :type result: :class:`TestResult` .. versionchanged:: 0.4 Parameters changed to `result`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def failure(self, result): """Called when a test fails. :param result: Result data for the failing test. :type result: :class:`TestResult` .. versionchanged:: 0.4 Parameters changed to `result`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def finished(self): """Called when all tests have run.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class PlainReporter(AbstractReporter): """Plain text ASCII output for humans.""" def begin(self, tests): = len(tests) self.failures = [] def success(self, result): sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() def failure(self, result): if isinstance(result.error, AssertionError): sys.stdout.write('F') else: sys.stdout.write('E') sys.stdout.flush() self.failures.append(result) def finished(self): print print for result in self.failures: print result.test_name if result.test.__doc__: print inspect.getdoc(result.test) print '-' * 80 print result.traceback print print 'Failures: %s/%s (%s assertions)' % (len(self.failures),, statistics.assertions) if self.failures: raise SystemExit(1)
[docs]class FancyReporter(AbstractReporter): """Heavily uses ANSI escape codes for fancy output to 256-color terminals. Progress of running the tests is indicated by a progressbar and failures are shown with syntax highlighted tracebacks. :param style: `Pygments`_ style for tracebacks, defaults to ``'bw'`` because it looks good on most terminals. .. _Pygments: """ def __init__(self, style='bw'): = style import progressbar import pygments def begin(self, tests): from progressbar import ProgressBar, Percentage, \ Bar, ETA, SimpleProgress widgets = [SimpleProgress(), ' [', ETA(), Bar(), Percentage(), ']'] self.counter = 0 self.progress = ProgressBar(maxval=len(tests), widgets=widgets) self.progress.start() self.failures = [] def success(self, result): self.counter += 1 self.progress.update(self.counter) def failure(self, result): self.counter += 1 self.progress.update(self.counter) self.failures.append(result) def finished(self): from pygments.console import colorize from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import PythonTracebackLexer from pygments.formatters import Terminal256Formatter self.progress.finish() print for result in self.failures: print colorize('bold', result.test_name) if result.test.__doc__: print inspect.getdoc(result.test) print '─' * 80 if result.stdout: print colorize('faint', '\n'.join(result.stdout)) if result.stderr: print colorize('darkred', '\n'.join(result.stderr)) print highlight(result.traceback, PythonTracebackLexer(), Terminal256Formatter( if self.failures: failed = colorize('red', str(len(self.failures))) else: failed = len(self.failures) print 'Failures: %s/%s (%s assertions)' % (failed, self.counter, statistics.assertions) if self.failures: raise SystemExit(1)
[docs]def auto_reporter(style=None): """Select a reporter based on the target output and installed dependencies. This is the default reporter. :param style: Passed to :class:`FancyReporter` if it is used. :rtype: :class:`FancyReporter` if output is a terminal and the progressbar and pygments packages are installed, otherwise a :class:`PlainReporter`. """ if sys.stdout.isatty(): try: if style is None: return FancyReporter() return FancyReporter(style) except ImportError: pass return PlainReporter()
[docs]class XmlReporter(AbstractReporter): """Report the result of a testrun in an XML format. Not compatible with JUnit or XUnit. """ def __init__(self): self.escape = __import__('cgi').escape def begin(self, tests): print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' print '<testreport tests="%d">' % len(tests) def success(self, result): print ' <pass name="%s"/>' % result.test_name def failure(self, result): if isinstance(result.error, AssertionError): tag = 'fail' else: tag = 'error' print ' <%s name="%s" type="%s">' % (tag, result.test_name, result.exc_info[0].__name__) print self.escape('\n'.join(' ' * 4 + line for line in result.traceback.splitlines()), quote=True) print ' </%s>' % tag def finished(self): print '</testreport>'
[docs]def get_reporter_by_name(name, default='auto'): """Get an :class:`AbstractReporter` by name, falling back on a default. Reporters are registered via setuptools entry points, in the ``'attest.reporters'`` group. A third-party reporter can thus register itself using this in its :file:``:: setup( entry_points = { 'attest.reporters': [ 'name =' ] } ) Names for the built in reporters: * ``'fancy'`` — :class:`FancyReporter` * ``'plain'`` — :class:`PlainReporter` * ``'xml'`` — :class:`XmlReporter` * ``'auto'`` — :func:`auto_reporter` :param name: One of the above strings. :param default: The fallback reporter if no reporter has the supplied name, defaulting to ``'auto'``. :raises KeyError: If neither the name or the default is a valid name of a reporter. :rtype: Callable returning an instance of an :class:`AbstractReporter`. .. versionchanged:: 0.4 Reporters are registered via setuptools entry points. """ reporter = None if name is not None: reporter = list(iter_entry_points('attest.reporters', name)) if not reporter: reporter = list(iter_entry_points('attest.reporters', default)) if not reporter: raise KeyError return reporter[0].load()
[docs]def get_all_reporters(): """Iterable yielding the names of all registered reporters. >>> from attest import get_all_reporters >>> list(get_all_reporters()) ['xml', 'plain', 'fancy', 'auto'] .. versionadded:: 0.4 """ for ep in iter_entry_points('attest.reporters'): yield
[docs]def capture_output(): """Context manager capturing standard output and error. Yields a tuple of the two streams as lists of lines. :: with capture_output() as (out, err): print 'Captured' Assert(out) == ['Captured'] """ stdout, stderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr sys.stdout, sys.stderr = StringIO(), StringIO() out, err = [], [] try: yield out, err finally: out.extend(sys.stdout.getvalue().splitlines()) err.extend(sys.stderr.getvalue().splitlines()) sys.stdout, sys.stderr = stdout, stderr
[docs]def disable_imports(*names): """Context in which imports for `names` raises an :exc:`ImportError`. This is useful for testing import-dependent fallbacks. >>> from attest import disable_imports >>> with disable_imports('sys'): import sys ... Traceback (most recent call last): ImportError: 'sys' is disabled .. versionadded:: 0.4 """ import __builtin__ import_ = __builtin__.__import__ def __import__(name, *args, **kwargs): if name in names: raise ImportError('%r is disabled' % name) return import_(name, *args, **kwargs) __builtin__.__import__ = __import__ try: yield finally: __builtin__.__import__ = import_
[docs]class Tests(object): """Collection of test functions. :param tests: Iterable of other test collections to register with this one. :param contexts: Iterable of callables that take no arguments and return a context manager. """ def __init__(self, tests=(), contexts=None): self._tests = [] for collection in tests: self.register(collection) self._contexts = [] if contexts is not None: self._contexts.extend(contexts) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._tests) def __len__(self): return len(self._tests)
[docs] def test_if(self, condition): """Returns :meth:`test` if the `condition` is ``True``. .. versionadded:: 0.4 """ if condition: return self.test return lambda x: x
[docs] def test(self, func): """Decorate a function as a test belonging to this collection.""" @wraps(func) def wrapper(): with nested(*[ctx() for ctx in self._contexts]) as context: context = [c for c in context if c is not None] if len(inspect.getargspec(func)[0]) != 0: args = [] for arg in context: if type(arg) is tuple: # type() is intentional args.extend(arg) else: args.append(arg) func(*args) else: func() self._tests.append(wrapper) return wrapper
[docs] def context(self, func): """Decorate a function as a :func:`~contextlib.contextmanager` for running the tests in this collection in. Corresponds to setup and teardown in other testing libraries. :: db = Tests() @db.context def connect(): con = connect_db() try: yield con finally: con.disconnect() @db.test def using_connection(con): Assert(con).is_not(None) The above corresponds to:: db = Tests() @contextmanager def connect(): con = connect_db() try: yield con finally: con.disconnect() @db.test def using_connection(): with connect() as con: Assert(con).is_not(None) The difference is that this decorator applies the context to all tests defined in its collection, so it's less repetitive. Yielding :const:`None` or nothing passes no arguments to the test, yielding a single value other than a tuple passes that value as the sole argument to the test, yielding a tuple splats the tuple as the arguments to the test. If you want to yield a tuple as the sole argument, wrap it in a one-tuple or unsplat the args in the test. You can have more than one context, which will be run in order using :func:`contextlib.nested`, and their yields will be passed in order to the test functions. .. versionadded:: 0.2 Nested contexts. """ func = contextmanager(func) self._contexts.append(func) return func
[docs] def register_if(self, condition): """Returns :meth:`register` if the `condition` is ``True``. .. versionadded:: 0.4 """ if condition: return self.register return lambda x: x
[docs] def register(self, tests): """Merge in another test collection. :param tests: * A class, which is then instantiated and return allowing it to be used as a decorator for :class:`TestBase` classes. * A string, representing the import path to an iterable yielding tests, in the form of ``'package.module.object'``. * Otherwise any iterable object is assumed to yield tests. Any of these can be passed in a list to the :class:`Tests` constructor. .. versionadded:: 0.2 Refer to collections by import path as a string """ if inspect.isclass(tests): self._tests.extend(tests()) return tests elif isinstance(tests, basestring): module, collection = str(tests).rsplit('.', 1) module = __import__(module, fromlist=[collection]) tests = getattr(module, collection) self._tests.extend(tests)
[docs] def test_suite(self): """Create a :class:`unittest.TestSuite` from this collection.""" from unittest import TestSuite, FunctionTestCase suite = TestSuite() for test in self: suite.addTest(FunctionTestCase(test)) return suite
[docs] def run(self, reporter=auto_reporter): """Run all tests in this collection. :param reporter: An instance of :class:`AbstractReporter` or a callable returning something implementing that API (not enforced). """ if not isinstance(reporter, AbstractReporter): reporter = reporter() reporter.begin(self._tests) for test in self: result = TestResult() result.test = test try: with capture_output() as (out, err): assert test() is not False, 'test returned False' except BaseException, e: if isinstance(e, KeyboardInterrupt): break result.error = e result.stdout, result.stderr = out, err result.exc_info = sys.exc_info() reporter.failure(result) else: result.stdout, result.stderr = out, err reporter.success(result) reporter.finished()
[docs] def main(self, argv=sys.argv): """Interface to :meth:`run` with command-line options. ``-h``, ``--help`` Show a help message ``-r NAME``, ``--reporter NAME`` Select reporter by name with :func:`get_reporter_by_name` ``-l``, ``--list-reporters`` List the names of all installed reporters Remaining arguments are passed to the reporter. .. versionadded:: 0.2 .. versionchanged:: 0.4 ``--list-reporters`` was added. """ from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-r', '--reporter', metavar='NAME', help='select reporter by name') parser.add_option('-l', '--list-reporters', action='store_true', help='list available reporters') options, args = parser.parse_args() if options.list_reporters: for reporter in get_all_reporters(): print reporter else: reporter = get_reporter_by_name(options.reporter)(*args)
[docs]def test_if(condition): """Returns :func:`test` if the `condition` is ``True``. .. versionadded:: 0.4 """ if condition: return test return lambda x: x
[docs]def test(meth): """Mark a :class:`TestBase` method as a test and wrap it to run in the :meth:`TestBase.__context__` of the subclass. """ @wraps(meth) def wrapper(self): with contextmanager(self.__context__)(): meth(self) wrapper.__test__ = True return wrapper
[docs]class TestBase(object): """Base for test classes. Decorate test methods with :func:`test`. Needs to be registered with a :class:`Tests` collection to be run. For setup and teardown, override :meth:`__context__` like a :func:`~contextlib.contextmanager` (without the decorator). :: class Math(TestBase): def __context__(self): self.two = 1 + 1 yield del self.two @test def arithmetics(self): Assert(self.two) == 2 suite = Tests([Math()]) """ def __context__(self): yield def __iter__(self): for name in dir(self): attr = getattr(self, name) if getattr(attr, '__test__', False) and callable(attr): yield attr
[docs]class Loader(object): """Run tests with Attest via distribute:: setup( test_loader='attest:Loader', test_suite='tests.collection', ) Now, ``python -q test`` is equivalent to:: from tests import collection If you want to run the tests as a normal unittest suite, try :meth:`Tests.test_suite` instead:: setup( test_suite='tests.collection.test_suite' ) """ def loadTestsFromNames(self, names, module=None): mod, collection = names[0].rsplit('.', 1) mod = __import__(mod, fromlist=[collection]) collection = getattr(mod, collection) raise SystemExit
[docs]def assert_(expr, msg=None): """Like :keyword:`assert`, but counts the assertion.""" statistics.assertions += 1 assert expr, msg return expr
[docs]class Assert(object): """Wrap an object such that boolean operations on it fails with an :exc:`AssertionError` if the operation results in :const:`False`, with more helpful error messages on failure than :keyword:`assert`. A test failure is simply an unhandled exception, so it is completely optional to use this class. Examples:: Assert(1 + 1) == 2 2 in Assert([1, 2, 3]) Attributes are proxied to the wrapped object, returning the result wrapped as well:: hello = Assert('hello') hello == 'hello' hello.upper() == 'HELLO' hello.capitalize() == 'Hello' Used in boolean context, fails if non-true. These all fail:: bool(Assert(0)) if Assert(0): pass assert Assert(0) Identical to, except for the more helpful failure message:: Assert(bool(0)) == True """ #: The wrapped object obj = None def __init__(self, obj=None): if isinstance(obj, Assert): self.obj = obj.obj else: self.obj = obj @property def __class__(self): return Assert(self.obj.__class__) def __str__(self): """Wrapped proxy to the wrapped object's *__str__*, can be used for testing the string adaption of the object:: Assert(1).__str__() == '1' .. warning:: :func:`str` on :class:`Assert` objects does not work. """ return Assert(self.obj.__str__()) def __getattr__(self, name): """Proxy all attributes to the wrapped object, wrapping the result. """ return Assert(getattr(self.obj, name)) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Allow calling of wrapped callables, wrapping the return value. Useful for testing methods on a wrapped object via attribute proxying:: Assert('Hello').upper() == 'HELLO' """ return Assert(self.obj(*args, **kwargs)) def __getitem__(self, key): """Access an item on the wrapped object and return the result wrapped as well. :: Assert([1, 2, 3])[1] == 2 """ return Assert(self.obj[key]) def __eq__(self, obj): """Test for equality with ``==``.""" return assert_(self.obj == obj, '%r != %r' % (self.obj, obj)) def __ne__(self, obj): """Test for inequality with ``!=``.""" return assert_(self.obj != obj, '%r == %r' % (self.obj, obj))
[docs] def is_(self, obj): """The :keyword:`is` operator is not overridable, for good reasons (that would defeat its purpose), so you can use this method for asserting identity:: Assert(True).is_(True) .. versionchanged:: 0.3 Checks the wrapped object for :class:`Assert` instances. """ if isinstance(obj, Assert): obj = obj.obj return assert_(self.obj is obj, '%r is not %r' % (self.obj, obj))
[docs] def is_not(self, obj): """The negated form of :meth:`is_`, corresponding to the ``is not`` operation:: Assert([]).is_not([]) .. versionchanged:: 0.3 Checks the wrapped object for :class:`Assert` instances. """ if isinstance(obj, Assert): obj = obj.obj return assert_(self.obj is not obj, '%r is %r' % (self.obj, obj))
def __contains__(self, obj): """Test for membership with :keyword:`in`.""" return assert_(obj in self.obj, '%r not in %r' % (obj, self.obj))
[docs] def in_(self, obj): """Assert membership. While you can use the :keyword:`in` operator, its order is inconsistent with the rest of the operators and doesn't work with the ``not in`` operation. :: 2 in Assert([1, 2, 3]) Assert(2).in_([1, 2, 3]) """ return assert_(self.obj in obj, '%r not in %r' % (self.obj, obj))
[docs] def not_in(self, obj): """The negated form of :meth:`in_`, corresponding to the ``not in`` operation:: Assert(0).not_in([1, 2, 3]) """ return assert_(self.obj not in obj, '%r in %r' % (self.obj, obj))
def __lt__(self, obj): """Test for lesserness with ``<``.""" return assert_(self.obj < obj, '%r >= %r' % (self.obj, obj)) def __le__(self, obj): """Test for lesserness or equality with ``<=``.""" return assert_(self.obj <= obj, '%r > %r' % (self.obj, obj)) def __gt__(self, obj): """Test for greaterness with ``>``.""" return assert_(self.obj > obj, '%r <= %r' % (self.obj, obj)) def __ge__(self, obj): """Test for greaterness or equality with ``>=``.""" return assert_(self.obj >= obj, '%r < %r' % (self.obj, obj)) def __nonzero__(self): """Test for truthiness in boolean context.""" return bool(assert_(self.obj, 'not %r' % self.obj)) @staticmethod @contextmanager
[docs] def raises(*exceptions): """Context manager that fails if *none* of the `exceptions` are raised. Yields the captured exception as an :term:`assertive object`. :: with Assert.raises(IOError) as error: open('/etc/passwd', 'w') error.errno == 13 :param exceptions: Expected exception classes. """ statistics.assertions += 1 proxy = Assert() try: yield proxy except exceptions, error: proxy.obj = error else: if len(exceptions) > 1: errors = '(' + ', '.join(e.__name__ for e in exceptions) + ')' else: errors = exceptions[0].__name__ raise AssertionError("didn't raise %s" % errors)
@staticmethod @contextmanager
[docs] def not_raising(exception): """Context manager that fails if a particular exception is raised. A raised exception consitutes a failure anyway and this is mainly used for testing Attest itself. :: with Assert.not_raising(IOError): open('/etc/passwd', 'r') :param exception: An exception class. """ statistics.assertions += 1 try: yield except exception: raise AssertionError('raised %s' % exception.__name__)
[docs] def isinstance(obj, classinfo): """Test that an object is an instance of a class or a :func:`tuple` of classes. Corresponds to :func:`.isinstance`. .. versionadded:: 0.4 """ if isinstance(obj, Assert): obj = obj.obj return assert_(isinstance(obj, classinfo), 'not isinstance(%r, %s)' % (obj, _repr(classinfo)))
[docs] def not_isinstance(obj, classinfo): """Negated version of :meth:`isinstance`. .. versionadded:: 0.4 """ if isinstance(obj, Assert): obj = obj.obj return assert_(not isinstance(obj, classinfo), 'isinstance(%r, %s)' % (obj, _repr(classinfo)))
[docs] def issubclass(obj, cls): """Test that `obj` is a subclass of `cls` or a subclass of a class inside `cls`. Corresponds to :func:`.issubclass`. .. versionadded:: 0.4 """ if isinstance(obj, Assert): obj = obj.obj return assert_(issubclass(obj, cls), 'not issubclass(%s, %s)' % (_repr(obj), _repr(cls)))
[docs] def not_issubclass(obj, cls): """Negated version of :meth:`issubclass`. .. versionadded:: 0.4 """ if isinstance(obj, Assert): obj = obj.obj return assert_(not issubclass(obj, cls), 'issubclass(%s, %s)' % (_repr(obj), _repr(cls)))
[docs] def json(self): """Parse the wrapped object as JSON. Requires Python 2.6 or the simplejson package. .. versionadded:: 0.4 """ try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: import json return Assert(json.loads(self.obj))
[docs] def css(self, selector): """Parse the wrapped object as :abbr:`HTML (HyperText Markup Language)` and return an :term:`assertive <assertive object>` list of elements matching the :abbr:`CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)` `selector`. Requires lxml 2.0 or newer. .. note:: Not tested on Python 2.5 and PyPy due to difficulties installing lxml for these implementations. .. versionadded:: 0.4 """ from lxml import html return Assert(html.fromstring(self.obj).cssselect(selector))
[docs] def xpath(self, path): """Parse the wrapped object as :abbr:`XML (eXtensible Markup Language)` and return an :term:`assertive <assertive object>` list of elements matching the :abbr:`XPath (XML Path Language)` *path*. Requires lxml 2.0 or newer. .. note:: Not tested on Python 2.5 and PyPy due to difficulties installing lxml for these implementations. .. versionadded:: 0.4 """ from lxml import etree return Assert(etree.fromstring(self.obj).xpath(path))
[docs] def passed_to(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """Pass the unwrapped object to a function and return its result as an :term:`assertive object`. These are identical:: Assert(len([1, 2, 3])) == 3 Assert([1, 2, 3]).passed_to(len) == 3 Mainly useful with Assert objects that comes from the outside, e.g. yielded from a context, from methods like :meth:`css` etc. .. versionadded:: 0.4 """ return Assert(func(self.obj, *args, **kwargs))
[docs] def attr(self, name): """Safely get an attribute from the wrapped object. .. versionadded:: 0.4 """ return Assert(getattr(self.obj, name))
def __repr__(self): """Not proxied to the wrapped object. To test that do something like:: Assert(repr(obj)) == 'expectation' """ return 'Assert(%r)' % self.obj
def _repr(obj): """Internal :func:`repr` that tries to be more close to original code. """ if inspect.isclass(obj): return obj.__name__ elif type(obj) is tuple: return '(%s)' % ', '.join(map(_repr, obj)) return repr(obj)

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