Reporting Results

Reporters are in charge of handling the state and outcome of test-runs. They might output machine- or human-readable reports on the console, or display the results in a graphical user interface.

get_reporter_by_name(name, default='auto')[source]

Get an AbstractReporter by name, falling back on a default.

Reporters are registered via setuptools entry points, in the 'attest.reporters' group. A third-party reporter can thus register itself using this in its

    entry_points = {
        'attest.reporters': [
            'name ='

Names for the built in reporters:

  • name – One of the above strings.
  • default – The fallback reporter if no reporter has the supplied name, defaulting to 'auto'.
Raises KeyError:

If neither the name or the default is a valid name of a reporter.

Return type:

Callable returning an instance of an AbstractReporter.

Changed in version 0.4: Reporters are registered via setuptools entry points.


Iterable yielding the names of all registered reporters.

>>> list(get_all_reporters())
['xml', 'plain', 'xunit', 'fancy', 'auto', 'quickfix']

New in version 0.4.

Testing from the Command-Line


Select a reporter based on the target output and installed dependencies.

This is the default reporter.

Parameters:opts – Passed to FancyReporter if it is used.
Return type:FancyReporter if output is a terminal and the progressbar and pygments packages are installed, otherwise a PlainReporter.

Changed in version 0.5: A test_loader function attribute similar to AbstractReporter.test_loader().

class FancyReporter(style=None, verbose=False, colorscheme=None)[source]

Heavily uses ANSI escape codes for fancy output to 256-color terminals. Progress of running the tests is indicated by a progressbar and failures are shown with syntax highlighted tracebacks.

  • stylePygments style for tracebacks.
  • verbose – Report on tests regardless of failure.
  • colorscheme – If style is light or dark, maps token names to color names.


Available styles can be listed with pygmentize -L styles. The special values 'light' and 'dark' (referring to the terminal’s background) use the 16 system colors rather than assuming a 256-color terminal.

Defaults to light or the environment variable ATTEST_PYGMENTS_STYLE.

Changed in version 0.6: Added the 16-color styles light and dark and the complementary colorscheme option

class PlainReporter[source]

Plain text ASCII output for humans.

Testing from the Editor

This is known to work with Vim, but can probably be used with other editors as well. The output mimics that used by many compilers for errors and warnings.

class QuickFixReporter[source]

Report failures in a format that’s understood by Vim’s quickfix feature.

Write a Makefile that runs your tests with this reporter and then from Vim you can do :mak. If there’s failures, Vim will jump to the first one by opening the offending file and positioning the cursor at the relevant line; you can jump between failures with :cn and :cp. For more information try :help quickfix.

Example Makefile (remember to indent with tabs not spaces):

    @python -rquickfix

New in version 0.5.

Integrating Testing with Non-Python Tools

class XmlReporter[source]

Report the result of a testrun in an XML format. Not compatible with JUnit or XUnit.

Writing New Reporters

class AbstractReporter[source]

Optional base for reporters, serves as documentation and improves errors for incomplete reporters.

classmethod test_loader()[source]

Creates a basic unittest test loader using this reporter. This can be used to run tests via distribute, for example:


Now, python -q test is equivalent to:

from attest import FancyReporter
from tests import collection

If you want to run the tests as a normal unittest suite, try test_suite() instead:


New in version 0.5.


Called when a test run has begun.

Parameters:tests – The list of test functions we will be running.

Called when a test succeeds.

Parameters:result (TestResult) – Result data for the succeeding test.

Changed in version 0.4: Parameters changed to result.


Called when a test fails.

Parameters:result (TestResult) – Result data for the failing test.

Changed in version 0.4: Parameters changed to result.


Called when all tests have run.

class TestResult(**kwargs)[source]

Container for result data from running a test.

New in version 0.4.

error = None

The exception instance, if the test failed.

exc_info = None

The exc_info() of the exception, if the test failed.


Like traceback.extract_tb() with uninteresting entries removed.

New in version 0.5.

stderr = None

A list of lines the test printed on the standard error.

stdout = None

A list of lines the test printed on the standard output.

test = None

The test callable.


A representative name for the test, similar to its import path.


The traceback for the exception, if the test failed, cleaned up.