Running tests

In the quickstart guide, tests were run by treating them as scripts and calling directly on the test suite. When your tests grow beyond a single file, however, you may want to use the attest command line tool.


$ attest [options] [tests...] [key=value...]

The positional tests are dotted names for modules or packages that are scanned recursively for Tests instances, or dotted names for any other object that iterates over tests. If no position arguments are provided, all packages in the working directory are scanned.

The key/value pairs are passed to the reporter constructor, after some command-line friendly parsing.


-d, --debugger

Enter pdb for failing tests.

-r NAME, --reporter=NAME

Select reporter by name.

-l, --list-reporters

List available reporters.

-n, --no-capture

Don’t capture stderr and stdout.


Don’t clean tracebacks.


Stop at first failure.


Don’t hook the assert statement.


Enable tests profiling and store results in filename.

-k, --keyboard-interrupt

Let KeyboardInterrupt exceptions (CTRL+C) propagate.


Show program’s version number and exit.

-h, --help

Display a help message and exit.

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