Source code for attest.hook

from __future__ import with_statement

import imp
import inspect
import os
import sys

from attest         import ast, statistics
from attest.codegen import to_source, SourceGenerator

__all__ = ['COMPILES_AST',

    compile(ast.parse('pass'), '<string>', 'exec')
except TypeError:
    COMPILES_AST = False

[docs]class ExpressionEvaluator(SourceGenerator): """Evaluates ``expr`` in the context of ``globals`` and ``locals``, expanding the values of variables and the results of binary operations, but keeping comparison and boolean operators. .. testsetup:: from attest import ExpressionEvaluator >>> var = 1 + 2 >>> value = ExpressionEvaluator('var == 5 - 3', globals(), locals()) >>> value.late_visit() >>> repr(value) '(3 == 2)' >>> bool(value) False .. versionadded:: 0.5 """ def __init__(self, expr, globals, locals): self.expr = expr # Putting locals in globals for closures self.globals = dict(globals) self.locals = locals self.globals.update(self.locals) self.result = [] self.node = ast.parse(self.expr).body[0].value # Trigger visit after init because we don't want to # evaluate twice in case of a successful assert def late_visit(self): self.visit(self.node) def __repr__(self): return ''.join(self.result) def __str__(self): return '\n'.join((self.expr, repr(self))) def __nonzero__(self): return bool(eval(self.expr, self.globals, self.locals)) def eval(self, node): return eval(to_source(node), self.globals, self.locals) def write(self, s): self.result.append(str(s)) def visit_Name(self, node): value = self.eval(node) if getattr(value, '__name__', None): self.write(value.__name__) else: self.write(repr(value)) def generic_visit(self, node): self.write(repr(self.eval(node))) visit_BinOp = visit_Subscript = generic_visit visit_ListComp = visit_GeneratorExp = generic_visit visit_SetComp = visit_DictComp = generic_visit visit_Call = visit_Attribute = generic_visit
class TestFailure(AssertionError): """Extended :exc:`AssertionError` used by the assert hook. :param value: The asserted expression evaluated with :class:`ExpressionEvaluator`. :param msg: Optional message passed to the assertion. .. versionadded:: 0.5 """ def __init__(self, value, msg=''): self.value = value AssertionError.__init__(self, msg)
[docs]def assert_hook(expr, msg='', globals=None, locals=None): """Like ``assert``, but using :class:`ExpressionEvaluator`. If you import this in test modules and the :class:`AssertImportHook` is installed (which it is automatically the first time you import from :mod:`attest`), ``assert`` statements are rewritten as a call to this. The import must be a top-level *from* import, example:: from attest import Tests, assert_hook .. versionadded:: 0.5 """ statistics.assertions += 1 if globals is None: globals = inspect.stack()[1][0].f_globals if locals is None: locals = inspect.stack()[1][0].f_locals value = ExpressionEvaluator(expr, globals, locals) if not value: # Visit only if assertion fails value.late_visit() raise TestFailure(value, msg) # Build AST nodes on 2.5 more easily
def _build(node, **kwargs): node = node() for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): setattr(node, key, value) return node
[docs]class AssertTransformer(ast.NodeTransformer): """Parses `source` with :mod:`_ast` and transforms `assert` statements into calls to :func:`assert_hook`. .. warning:: CPython 2.5 doesn't compile AST nodes and when that fails this transformer will generate source code from the AST instead. While Attest's own tests passes on CPython 2.5, there might be code that it currently would render back incorrectly, most likely resulting in a failure. Because Python's syntax is simple, this isn't very likely, but you might want to :meth:`~AssertImportHook.disable` the import hook if you test regularly on CPython 2.5. It also messes up the line numbers so they don't match the original source code, meaning tracebacks will point to the line numbers in the *generated* source and preview the code on that line in the *original* source. The improved error message with the import hook is often worth it however, and failures will still point to the right file and function. .. versionadded:: 0.5 """ def __init__(self, source, filename=''): self.source = source self.filename = filename @property
[docs] def should_rewrite(self): """:const:`True` if the source imports :func:`assert_hook`.""" return ('assert_hook' in self.source and any(s.module == 'attest' and any( == 'assert_hook' for n in s.names) for s in ast.parse(self.source).body if isinstance(s, ast.ImportFrom)))
[docs] def make_module(self, name, newpath=None): """Compiles the transformed code into a module object which it also inserts in :data:`sys.modules`. :returns: The module object. """ module = imp.new_module(name) module.__file__ = self.filename if newpath: module.__path__ = newpath sys.modules[name] = module exec self.code in vars(module) return module
[docs] def node(self): """The transformed AST node.""" node = ast.parse(self.source, self.filename) node = self.visit(node) ast.fix_missing_locations(node) return node
[docs] def code(self): """The :attr:`node` compiled into a code object.""" if COMPILES_AST: return compile(self.node, self.filename, 'exec') return compile(to_source(self.node), self.filename, 'exec')
def visit_Assert(self, node): args = [_build(ast.Str, s=to_source(node.test)), node.msg if node.msg is not None else _build(ast.Str, s=''), _build(ast.Call, func=_build(ast.Name, id='globals', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None), _build(ast.Call, func=_build(ast.Name, id='locals', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None) ] return ast.copy_location( _build(ast.Expr, value=_build(ast.Call, func=_build(ast.Name, id='assert_hook', ctx=ast.Load()), args=args, keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None)), node)
class AssertImportHookEnabledDescriptor(object): def __get__(self, instance, owner): return any(isinstance(ih, owner) for ih in sys.meta_path)
[docs]class AssertImportHook(object): """An :term:`importer` that transforms imported modules with :class:`AssertTransformer`. .. versionadded:: 0.5 """ #: Class property, :const:`True` if the hook is enabled. enabled = AssertImportHookEnabledDescriptor() @classmethod
[docs] def enable(cls): """Enable the import hook.""" cls.disable() sys.meta_path.insert(0, cls())
[docs] def disable(cls): """Disable the import hook.""" sys.meta_path[:] = [ih for ih in sys.meta_path if not isinstance(ih, cls)]
def __init__(self): self._cache = {} def __enter__(self): sys.meta_path.insert(0, self) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): sys.meta_path.remove(self) def find_module(self, name, path=None): lastname = name.rsplit('.', 1)[-1] try: self._cache[name] = imp.find_module(lastname, path), path except ImportError: return return self def load_module(self, name): if name in sys.modules: return sys.modules[name] source, filename, newpath = self.get_source(name) (fd, fn, info), path = self._cache[name] if source is None: return imp.load_module(name, fd, fn, info) transformer = AssertTransformer(source, filename) if not transformer.should_rewrite: fd, fn, info = imp.find_module(name.rsplit('.', 1)[-1], path) return imp.load_module(name, fd, fn, info) try: return transformer.make_module(name, newpath) except Exception, err: raise ImportError('cannot import %s: %s' % (name, err)) def get_source(self, name): try: (fd, fn, info), path = self._cache[name] except KeyError: raise ImportError(name) code = filename = newpath = None if info[2] == imp.PY_SOURCE: filename = fn with fd: code = elif info[2] == imp.PY_COMPILED: filename = fn[:-1] with open(filename, 'U') as f: code = elif info[2] == imp.PKG_DIRECTORY: filename = os.path.join(fn, '') newpath = [fn] with open(filename, 'U') as f: code = return code, filename, newpath

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